Emily Holdaway – Waikato

Emily Holdaway – Waikato

Meet Emalitza Holdaway – Blogger – Raising Ziggy

Em started blogging after the birth of her first child. About motherhood, parent-life, and the realities life with a little one. She discovered menstrual cups when her period returned 8 months after Ziggy’s birth, and was an instant convert.

Through blogging about her experience using a menstrual cup, Em has had many women get in touch to ask more about them. Often wanting to ask ‘the’ questions they might not be comfortable asking out loud, the ‘ewww that’s a bit odd’ quickly turn into ‘oh, that’s pretty cool’ and a few month later there’s often a follow email raving about how much the cup has changed that time of the month.

Recently Em became aware of period poverty in the Waikato. And after seeing the huge success Season-Mary and Willow-Jean are having in Northland, asked to come on board.

Em has recently joined forces with MyCup NZ in a campaign to convert women throughout the Waikato to menstrual cups.

#raisingziggy #makingchanges #womenintheWaikato #menstrualcupkōrero

Check out her facebook page and follow her story! https://www.facebook.com/raisingziggy

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