Our impact

Social, Financial & Environmental

MyCupâ„¢ Teen Menstrual Cup Size 0

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The Environmental & Social Impact of our Menstrual Cups

  • 1,693,721

    kg CO² eq. Global warming potential reduction (greenhouse gases)

  • $76 Million

    Amount saved by communities by buying or being gifted a menstrual cup

  • 1262 Tonnes

    Menstrual waste saved from landfills and waterways in New Zealand

Product comparison kg C02 eq over 1 year

A study done by Thesis Weir concluded that a medical grade silicone menstrual cup rates very highly in comparison to single use products over a period of a year.

Overall, the menstrual cup produces the least amount of fossil fuel depletion.

• A menstrual cup produces the least amount of abiotic depletion.

• A menstrual cup produces the least amount of global warming potential.

• A menstrual cup produces the least amount of acidification.

• A menstrual cup produces the least amount of eutrophication.

• A menstrual cup produces the least amount of waste per year.

• A menstrual cup does not change and vaginal pH

• A menstrual cup does not cause mucosal alterations.

• On a single unit basis the menstrual cup has the lowest environmental impact if used over a year.

The True Cost of the Impact on our Planet

  • Energy

    A huge amount of energy is used globally to produce single-use menstrual products. This includes:

    • Harvesting of raw materials: human energy, fossil fuels

    • Manufacturing raw materials: electrical, thermal energy & fossil fuel energy

    • Distribution and Transportation: fossil fuel energy

    • Waste Management: thermal, chemical and electromagnetic energy

  • Environmentals

    The following environmental impacts occur through the production and disposal of all menstrual products. This includes:

    • Abiotic Depletion

    • Fossil Fuel Depletion 

    • Global

    • Warming Potential

    • Acidification 

    • Eutrophication

    • Waste

  • Materials

    The main raw material used for the production of disposable menstrual products is cotton.

    Other materials may include:

    • Rayon fiber

    • Polyester

    • Polypropylene

    • Paper pulp

    • Polyethene

    • Synthetic polymers

    • Super absorbent polymers

    • Bleach, optical brighteners

  • Abiotic Depletion

    Abiotic depletion refers to the depletion of nonliving (abiotic) resources such as fossil fuels, minerals, clay, and peat.

  • Fossil Fuel Depletion

    Fossil fuel depletion. Fossil fuel depletion is the extraction of natural gas, oil and coal reserves at a rate higher than nature replenishes them.

  • Global Warming Potential

    Global warming potential. Global warming potential (GWP) is a measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere up to a specific time horizon, relative to carbon dioxide.

  • Waste

    Waste (or wastes) are unwanted or unusable materials which may pollute land or water ways.

  • Acidification

    Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's oceans, caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO. 2) from the atmosphere.

  • Eutrophication

    Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life such as algae blooms. 

Social Impact of Reusable Menstrual Products

  • Cost

    Real savings to a person over the life of a menstrual cup (10 years) equates to an average spend of $2400.00. This can contribute to real life consequences when you may have more than 1 person menstruating in your household.

  • Health

    Menstrual Cups collect rather than absorbing, they do not contain harmful unknown chemicals and keep your vagina health balanced. A healthy body ensures you can get on with life!

  • Empower

    Reusable menstrual products empower people as they don't have to worry about the financial burden of single-use products and they give them more freedom. 

  • Waste

    A person can dispose an average of 39.5 kgs of single-use menstrual waste over 10 years. A menstrual cup weighs an average of 15 grams and is disposed as clean waste into landfill at the end of its life. 

  • Environment

    A cleaner, greener planet and healthy waterways. A healthier planet for our family and future generations.