Menstrual cups offer an eco-friendly and convenient way to manage your period. However, there may be situations where you need to change your cup, and you don't have access to a bathroom. Whether you're camping, hiking, or in any other outdoor scenario, here are some tips and tricks to help you tackle this situation without flinching.
- Before touching your menstrual cup, ensure your hands are clean.
- Use biodegradable soap and water if available. If not, use hand sanitiser or sanitising wipes.
- Pack extra sanitary wipes, or tissues in a waterproof bag.
- Have a drink bottle of water readily available to rinse your cup and hands.
- Empty the cup into a designated hole if you're in a camping setting. Follow Leave No Trace principles for responsible waste disposal. We are clean green kiwis after all.
- If in a more urban environment, you could carry a resealable bag to store used cups until you can properly clean and sanitise them.
- Use pre-moistened sanitary wipes or tissues to clean your cup.
- If you have access to clean water while camping, rinse the cup thoroughly.
- Avoid using any scented or harsh chemicals that could irritate your vagina.
- If you anticipate changing your cup in challenging environments, consider carrying a spare cup or two with you!
Remember that while changing your menstrual cup in outdoor or bathroom-less settings may seem daunting at first, with practice, it can become a routine and hassle-free process. Proper hygiene practices ensure your comfort and health while minimising your environmental impact.