Old Vs New

Old Vs New

The journey of menstrual products spans decades, from the early 20th century to the cutting-edge innovations of today. A comparison between the old versions of reusable menstrual products in the 1920s and the new products of today, offers a captivating insight into the evolution of period care. 

In the 1920s, reusable menstrual products were a far cry from the convenience and variety available today.  Women relied on cloth pads made from layers of fabric like cotton or flannel, often secured with belts or pins. The design was basic, and absorbency depended on the number of layers used. The cloth pads were washed by hand, a time-consuming process that required careful maintenance to ensure hygiene and longevity. They also came in limited sizes and shapes, offering minimal customisation for comfort and fit. The bulkiness of cloth pads made them less discreet and potentially uncomfortable to wear, affecting daily activities. 

Fast-forward to the present, and the landscape of menstrual products has transformed dramatically. A revolutionary alternative, menstrual cups are made from medical-grade silicone, offering comfortable, leak-free protection. They are reusable, eco-friendly, and can be worn for up to 8 hours, revolutionising period management. Modern underwear like our Love Luna brand features built-in absorbent layers that provide discreet leak protection. They offer comfort, convenience, and the freedom to go pad-free. Menstrual products now feature advanced moisture-wicking, odour-controlling, and hypoallergenic fabrics, enhancing comfort and performance. 

The differences between old versions of reusable menstrual products in the 1920s and modern innovations reflect advancements in technology, materials, and a shift towards sustainable, convenient period care. As we celebrate the journey from basic cloth pads to cutting-edge menstrual cups and period-proof underwear, it's clear that the landscape of menstrual care has evolved to empower women with choices that align with their comfort, lifestyle, and the environment. The past has paved the way for a future where menstruation is managed with confidence, convenience, and consideration for the planet.  


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