Plastic Free July – Giveaway #3

Plastic Free July – Giveaway #3

? G I V E A W A Y #3 ? (FACEBOOK

We have teamed up with the following businesses to bring you this beautiful giveaway for Plastic Free July! 

Top win:

– Please like each of their pages, 

– comment below about the change you have made to your everyday routine to help get rid of single use plastic bags

– Tag a friend

? CaliWoods super popular straw sets!

? handmade soaps

? The Green Collective cotton produce bags

? Do Gooder Eco Floss and Bamboo Toothbrush

? Dirty Hippie Kawakawa Balm and Sample Probiotic Deodorant

? Dream Cream Ltd beautiful face cream

? My Cup NZ Menstrual Cup and Cup Wash

This giveaway is not endorsed by any third party. It is open to NZ Residents only and will be drawn on the 31st July 2018.

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