Victoria Kurupo – NORTHLAND

Victoria Kurupo – NORTHLAND

Victoria Kurupo is our Community Partner in Kaipara, Northland. She is super passionate about spreading the cup love in her community!

She runs a facebook group called “Mana Wahine” on facebook where people first make contact with her. Then she arranges to meet up and discuss how a menstrual cups works and answer any questions they may have.

Victoria offers ongoing support to all of the people she gifts cups to and has produced some great videos to introduce her community to menstrual cups. She aims to reach all whanau in her area so that they can experience the benefits of a menstrual cup.

Te Ha Oranga runs a whanau support programme where many of the ladies talk about cups to whanau.

If you would like to donate a cup to Victoria’s amazing menstrual cup kaupapa please use “manawhahine” in the coupon box found in your shopping cart!

Below is the video on how Victoria obtained funding to help raise awareness around Menstrual cups in her region. Watch at about the 8 minute mark to hear about Victorias “Pitch” …..

mama wahine

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